29th July 2023 Penicuik Athletic 5 Kinnoull 1
A number of good matches locally today but I finally decided to head to watch Penicuik at Montgomery Park. The ground and the surrounding public park has been renamed in honour of Adam Montgomery a local councillor who was instrumental in the revival of Penicuik Athletic in 2002 after shutting down in the late 1980s due to financial problems. With the match having a 14.30 kickoff I left home just after 12.30 as I wanted to have a walk to get some exercise before heading out to Penicuik. I arrived at the Bernard Terrace bus stop and saw that the next 47 was due in five minutes so I decided to walk to the next stop at Newington to catch it. I was around ten yards from the stop when the 47 passed. However I was lucky as passengers were getting off so I ran the last short distance before boarding the bus. I checked the bus app and saw it was due at the stop nearest the ground at13.38. This was slightly too early for me to enter the ground so I got off at Mauricewood and walked from there a...